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XY Spectrum

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Organization XY Spectrum

XY Spectrum was founded in 2017 in Belgrade. It is committed to promote the rights of intersex and trans people and their families, improving their position and quality of life.


Intersex is a term of English origin, created as a coin of two words: inter (between) and sex. It encompasses the experiences of people whose bodies cannot be classified as typically male or female at birth.


Trans is an umbrella term used to designate persons whose gender identity differs from sex ascribed at birth.

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Important dates

31. march

International Trans Visibility Day

Is celebrated to make trans people and their identities more visible and recognized, doing the same for all those who contribute to the struggle for trans rights.

20. november

Transgender Remembrance Day (TDoR)

is celebrated on November 20 as a day of remembrance for all trans people killed as a result of transphobia. It is also known as International Trans Remembrance Day

17. may

The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

Is celebrated on May 17 and aims to coordinate international events that raise awareness of LGBT rights violations around the world.


26. october

International Intersex Awareness Day

This day is marked with the aim of drawing public attention to the problems of intersex people in various areas of life. On that day, in 1996, the first public protest of intersex persons was held. (flag-yellow with purple circle)

8. november

Intersex Remembrance Day also known as Intersex Solidarity Day

It is an international day of raising awareness about the social position of intersex people, established to draw public attention to the problems they face. The chosen date marks the birthday of Herculine Barbin, a French intersex person from the 19th century, whose memoirs were published by Michel Foucault. (flag-yellow with purple heart)

10. december

Human Rights Day

Celebrates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. On this crucial day, the nations of the world have gathered to try to bury once and for all the consequences of the genocide started during the Second World War. The adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is one of the first significant achievements of the United Nations.



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